Hacksaw Ridge

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Hacksaw Ridge Hacksaw Ridge is a film about an American conscientious objector named Desmond Doss during the time of World War II. He joins the war because he has pride for his country and feels an obligation to serve, but does so without ever holding a gun. Desmond previously turned to a life of following Christ, and never backs down. He faces many trials, but perseveres, and in the end he becomes a war hero. Desmond is brave and unselfish, and it benefits everyone around him even if they don’t appreciate it at first. In one scene early in the film, a flashback occurs with Desmond and his parents, a few years prior to the war. His dad is in a violent drunken state, and is beating Desmond’s mom. Desmond grabs a pistol and holds it to his …show more content…

Tom begins to explain his experiences during World War I, which he fought in as a young man. He tells Desmond about his best friend, who grew up with him and was always by his side. They did everything together, and decided to enlist in the Army together. While in battle, Tom’s friend was shot through the back, internal organs spilling out of his gut. Tom explains through the tears that war is not something to be taken lightly, that it is evil and gruesome. He says how it ruined his life, and how he has never gotten over his best friend being killed right alongside of him while he somehow gets to live. It is no surprise that Tom doesn’t initially appreciate what Desmond has decided to do, and tells Desmond he never wants to see him …show more content…

He does his best to look the other way by returning their insults with kindness. One night, when Doss is asleep in the barracks, he is dragged out of bed and beaten up by a gang of soldiers, led by one named Smitty Ryker. They taunt Desmond and tell him to hit them, but he doesn’t fight back. In the morning, he wakes up first and begins working on chores. Sergeant Howell notices Desmond’s bruised state and asks him who assaulted him, but Desmond refuses to say who. Instead, he insists that he “just fell out of bed”. It is in that moment when Howell changes his opinion of Doss. He tells Doss that he will stick up for him no matter what, and if he ever finds out who beat him up he will make sure that individual sees the consequences. This is the first scene where someone around Doss realizes the bravery he is showing, and begins to see it that way instead of cowardice. He allows Doss to continue his training to be a medic without having to touch a gun. This progression becomes a theme throughout the movie, as characters begin to realize that Doss is actually the opposite of a coward, and they begin to admire him. The higher the stakes, the quicker people around him are to change their opinion. This can be seen throughout the rest of the

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