HGH In Sports Cheating

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Is Using HGH in Sports Cheating In discussion of HGH, one controversial issue has been being is using HGH in sports cheating ?. On the one hand, some people argue that using HGH in sports is cheating because it gives the person an advantage to gaining muscle, running faster, and getting stronger without putting in the time. On the other hand, some people contend that using HGH in sports is not cheating. Bbecause if it is hard for you to gain muscle or get stronger it will compete with other athletes that are bigger than you. My own view is that “Is using HGH in sports is considered cheating” because it’s not fair to others that put in time to get stronger and faster and are trying to be a great athlete. I disagree with some people’s view …show more content…

And it can also help you to increase the muscle tissues and even make your muscles stronger than they were before you started to take HGH. And its positive effects can easily outweigh its side effects. In sports, it can be used to create a safe environment for contacts and injury extensions. If taken into consideration it can help you extend careers in every sport you play in or want to play …show more content…

Another reason why athletes take HGH is to help allow tired muscles to recover quicker and allowing you to train harder and more often. And it helps athletes get ready for the season when they are on their offseason. Anyone familiar with taking HGH should agree that it is known to help you recover when taking it to help you during a recovery for an injury. It helps most people to recover quicker and gain muscle mass and lose body fat and helps allow tired muscles to recover quicker. And most people say that it helps them train harder and longer. Former athlete Derrick Rose said that when he messed up his ACL he took HGH and recovered quicker and it helped him train for the offseason. He also said he felt better than he has before. These conclusions, which some people discuss in HGH, add weight to the argument that most people ask is using HGH in sports cheating? And the answer is no because most people use HGH to help them recover from injuries and get ready for their upcoming season. And it helps most athletes to gain muscle when playing in a contact sport. Because it adds padding to helps them reduce the risk of injuries. One athlete that took HGH for his knee was a Miami Dolphins football player and the HGH helped him recover

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