Gupta Empire Culture

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320 A.D.
Today I time traveled to the Gupta Empire. The Gupta Empire is located in India; on the Indian subcontinent. The capital during the Gupta Empire was Pataliputra. Surrounding the Gupta Empire were the Himalayan Mountains and the Hindu Kush Mountains. Bodies of water neighboring India during this time period were the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal. The Gupta Empire was between Burma and Pakistan. The climate was mostly tropical and humid. The people of the Gupta Empire built high houses to accommodate floods. Hindu temples and shrines were built throughout the lands ruled by the Guptas. 410 A.D During this visit, culture was one of my favorite things I learned about. Guptas culture was based on peace and prosperity. The main religion which spread all over India was Hinduism. Although the Gupta rulers practiced Hindu rituals and traditions, it is clear from discoveries that the empire was characterized by religious freedom. Evidence of a Buddhist university within the region is proof of the peaceful coexistence between …show more content…

When I traveled to the empire I learned a lot of things about their history. There is so much I could tell you, but I’ll just share some highlights. Peace and prosperity in the Gupta Empire created the period known as the Golden Age of India because it was marked by great inventions and discoveries in science, technology, engineering, art, religion, and mathematics (Wolpert). The main religion in India was Hinduism. Philosophers proposed that the Earth was not flat, but was instead round and rotated on an axis by viewing a lunar eclipses and discoveries about gravity and the planets of the solar system, which they used to tell the horoscopes. The philosophers were influenced by Greeks and Romans. Also the people of the Gupta Empire succeeded in mathematics. Ayodhya, Nasik and Pataliputra became famous for their educational centers. Wars of succession and invasions from the Hunas resulted in the gradual decline of the Gupta

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