Guns Persuasive Speech

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Joey runs into the bathroom, sweat pouring down his face. He slips into the nearest stall, looking over his shoulder. As Joey closes the stall door, he notices that his hand is violently shaking. He presses his head into his hands. He looks back up, slowly moves his shaking hand into his pocket, and pulls out his father’s pistol. He thinks, deciding whether or not he wants to do what he’s wanting to do for all his school years. Joey then hears the voices in his head, taunting him, “You’re just a weak farmboy! Toughen up!” Joey stands up, his whole body shaking now. He sprints out of the stall, into the bustling hallway, and begins to shoot. Is it right that a schoolboy, like Joey was able to get hold of a gun this easily? Is it fair that Joey’s fellow students had their very lives placed in a schoolboy’s hands? How is it that something that can kill countless …show more content…

Thousands of deaths a year is not something that should be overlooked. There were 464,033 deaths caused by guns between 1999 and 2013. If guns were only allowed to be in the hands of police or military, that number would be much smaller. Of course, many people would still be able to illegally obtain firearms, but it would be much more difficult. One of these deaths was caused by Dorothy Dutiel, a fifteen-year-old, who shot another fifteen-year-old girl at Independence High School, in Arizona. This is a high school girl. If guns were completely illegal, it would have been much harder for her to get one. Yet another example of deaths by guns, twelve police officers were shot at in Dallas during a peaceful protest against “police shooters.” Five police officers were killed during this peaceful protest. Police officers that were not doing any harm, during a peaceful protest, were killed. This is what guns are being used for. From this, the conclusion can be formed that guns are the cause of thousands of deaths each year, which can be easily

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