Gun-Personal Narrative

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It was 6:30 in the morning, and the sun was rising in the distance. The sky was yellow and orange. We were walking to and the the ground was frozen. We had just got into our pop up blind. It was now 7:30 when we heard a goobel for the first time . And it was not that far away we thought but we did not see him so we sat there quiet as a mouse . And it was getting closer and me and my dad got my gun up. And then his buddy came out and I said “he is huge so can I shoot him”. And then his buddy came came and he was bigger “Can i shoot him” I said “If you want to, take him now” So I pulled the trigger and my gun went boom. And my ears were starting to ring. all I saw was a cloud of smoke. As I was leaning forward for the kick of

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