Gun Ownership Arguments

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Some people think that owning a gun is unconstitutional, but if your life was on the line then would you think its constitutional? My grandmother lives in a city where being robbed is something everyone should be used to by now, but while some citizens were being robbed their lives were also taken. Her 2 story house was robbed 4 years ago and her life was threatened , she lives alone and is physically weak. The man who attempted to rob her pointed a gun 6 feet away from her head and told her to give him all of her valuables. If she didn't take her licensed gun and shot him in the arm, her life would have been taken. I believe that private gun ownership is constitutional and helps save lives. The founding fathers of the US wrote the second amendment to protect their citizens rights to defend themselves no matter the individual (source A). If our country’s principles are based off of their views, why should we blur them (referring to ignoring the right to bear arms)? The armed forces protect themselves with guns , they are not only fighting for our country, but they are also protecting their lives. As a citizen, we have the right to bear arms and defend our well beings. “[Any] …show more content…

Only the military has a “collective right” to bear arms, but actually the people who are serving in the military are considered as citizens. They are ordinary just like the rest of us, but they just have one little exception --- a title. During the Dred Scott v. Sandford case (a case where a slave tried to sue for his rights and the rights of his family) the US Supreme Court stated that only citizens have constitutional protections, and at the time blacks were not considered as citizens. However, the court advocated that “citizens have constitutional protection” , which indirectly states that it is a given right that citizens have the right to bear

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