Gun Control In Schools Pros And Cons

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In recent times the topic of gun control has been at the forefront of political debates, mainstream media and even the kitchen table talk of every American household. The beginning root of the heated topic of gun control in recent history was the mass shooting and bombing of Columbine High School. The two assailants of the school were Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris on April 20th, 1999. They were armed with 99 explosive devices, two 9mm handguns, a 12 gauge shotgun and a rifle. Their firearms were fired a whopping 188 times combined throughout the shooting. Armed with explosives they were projected to kill all 400 or so students that were in the cafeteria where two of the bombs were placed. However, not all of the bombs detonated and in total …show more content…

This shooting not only opened up the door for other mass shootings but also the debate about gun control. The next major event that influenced the topic of gun control was the largest terrorist attack on US soil which was 9-11-2001. The events that occurred on 9/11 were not involving guns, but it did spark a huge debate on concealed carry and gun control laws. On September 11th 2001 four passenger operated by United Airlines and American Airlines were hijacked by 19 members of al-Qaeda …show more content…

It was also the deadliest event for firefighters and police officers with 343 fire fighters killed and 72 police officers killed respectively. This terrorist attack shook the whole nations causing everybody to question how safe we are as a country. The Virginia tech shooting also known as the virginia tech massacre occurred on april 16th 2007. A senior at Virginia tech, Seung-Hui Cho shot and killed 32 people and wounded 16 others in two separate attacks. Cho purchased the firearm and passed the background check even after being deemed mentally ill. This caused a 60% increase in the acquirement of concealed carry permits in the state of Virginia. This sparked enormous debates across the country on the process and the depth of the back ground checks performed before the purchase of a firearm. This caused President George W Bush to sign a rare piece of the Bipartisan gun control legislation which strictly regulates the purchase and ownership of firearms to those deemed mentally ill and criminals. There was a long spree of mass shootings and gun related violence within the past 18 years. But all of the blame has been pointed towards the

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