Guillot Fraud Case Analysis

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On April 15, 2015, Brian F. Guillot, Esq., of Metairie Louisiana, contacted Office of the Bar Counsel regarding Ernest A. Solomon, Esq. Guillot has been retained by the family of Elmore Charles Desvigne, Sr., to assist in the execution of Desvigne Sr.’s estate. On January 18, 2011, Desvigne, Sr., named Solomon as the executor of his Last Will and Testament, his appointment was confirmed by the Civil District Court for the Parish of Orleans; approximately two years later Desvigne, Sr., passed away. Solomon has never been admitted to the bar of Louisiana, and his appointment was solely to act as an executor. Shortly after Desvigne, Sr., passed away Solomon traveled to New Orleans to read the Will of the testator and handle his estate. At the …show more content…

Guillot asserts that Lisa began to review Desvigne Sr.’s bank records and discovered that Janet Desvigne, Desvigne Sr.’s power of attorney, had given Solomon an additional $17,000.00 before the testator passed away. As a result, Guillot filed a “Motion for Accounting” to determine what happened with said funds. Janet was never officially deposed but informed counsel that the funds were allegedly placed in Janet’s personal bank account; Janet then forwarded a payment of $17,000.00 to Solomon. Guillot doesn’t recall if Janet explained why Solomon asked for the money. To date Solomon has failed to respond to Guillot’s and bar counsel’s inquiry regarding the $17,000.00. Guillot was able to provide this office with a copy of the check Janet wrote out to Solomon on September 16, 2013. The check was made out to “Solomon Law Order” on September 16, 2013 for $17,000.00 At this time it is unclear what account Solomon deposited the money into, this subpoena is for Solomon’s IOLTA bank records, records that pertain to as “Estate of Elmore Charles Desvigne, Sr.,” and any other accounts in Solomon’s name from March 16, 2013 through present day. These records will be evidence of the fact that Solomon mishandled the Desvigne

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