Guerilla Girls Essay

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Getting to Know the Cause: The Guerilla Girls The Feminist Movement (Feminist Art) A very important and strong step for all women and minorities, no matter what race, nationality, creed, or religion was The Feminist Movement. Feminist Art along with The Guerilla Girls were subjects in existence during the Feminist Movement. The Guerilla Girls were a group of females who truly understood what it meant to express themselves through their art. Posters were a good way for the Guerilla Girls to promote, voice, and get points across to those refusing to give concern. Women have faced the unfortunate necessity of fighting for many rights. The same rights that women and many minorities have been forced to fight for are just naturally given to (not …show more content…

A poster that was titled or held the caption Do women have to be naked to get into the Met. Museum? (Sayre 506). The figure on the poster was a parody of Jean-August Dominique Ingres’ 1814 La Grande Odalisque which was a Neoclassical painting (Sayre 414, 506). A female slave or concubine in a Middle Eastern, particularly Turkish, harem is the definition of odalisque (Sayre 414). The artist of the original figure is discussed in the chapter thirteen, in which we recently completed, and other pieces of his work may be seen there as well. Also displayed on this same poster were statistics relating to the amount of women artists and the women who posed for art in the buff. The percentages were disturbing nonetheless. As we have all previously observed from prior chapters, many works of art whether it be paintings or sculptures contained nudity. Women (not to exclude the male subjects) posed nude for many centuries when artists needed them for pieces. Once females were finely taking part in art on the other side, by being the artists, little to no recognition was given to them. Even once recognition was given the works of art were still not displayed as equally as pieces created by male

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