Guatemalan Civil War Analysis

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The Guatemalan Civil war was one of the longest in history, 1960 to 1996, it had a massive effect on Guatemala resulting in 40,00 missing and over 200,000 deaths. The documentary is extremely informative in explaining who was on each side of the war and their goals. The documentary is very informative in helping link this particular civil war to the larger and worldwide Cold War.

The Cold War had a huge impact throughout Latin America. Guatemala like its neighboring Central American nations were seen as strategically important for both the United States and the Soviet Union. The United States supported, armed and trained the government military throughout the war, even though this military dictatorship was strongly against US policies, the fear of the spread of communism was seen as a much larger threat. However US and Soviet interest were not the main reason for the start of this brutal conflict. The main reason, which triggered the start of the civil war, was the students protest against the economic and social discrimination especially towards the indigenous peoples. The majority of the population was Maya or Indigenous yet the majority of the money and land was controlled by Creoles of European descent. The protest was violently ended with student being massacred. …show more content…

Any citizen that did not agree with the government was definitely tortured or killed. We also see in the documentary that many of the deaths took place just to create fear among the people. The soldiers killing their own citizens did themselves not know the reason for such horrific crimes but had to commit them as if not they would be killed like everyone else. Death squads were used throughout the war to create terror, which forced thousands of Guatemalans to relocate out their houses into the valleys and even into other

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