Grief Counseling

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It is not at all unusual to question God when we are grieving. We wonder why God didn’t answer our prayers; why He took our loved one; why he didn’t intervene and stop something terrible from happening. We question whether God is truly good if He allowed something like this to happen. Some people will have a crisis of faith, and may walk away from God for a time. We may even be angry at God and hold him responsible for some tragic event.
There was a particularly tragic and violent death of a little girl. She was a pre-teen picture of innocence. She was popular in school, good at sports, and was the apple of her parent’s eye. We will call her Susie (not her real name). It was hot outside, and little Susie called her Mom at work. She let her Mom know she was home from school and wanted to get permission to walk down to the corner store a couple of blocks away for a soda pop. She never returned. She was kidnapped and brutally raped and murdered by a perverted evil predator of a man.
Susan’s parents were obviously devastated. How could something this horrible happen to their innocent little girl? Both of her parents were basically good people. They went to church occasionally, and tried to raise their children to be good people. Their whole world had been turned upside down, and now they were getting attention from the community and the media that they never wanted.
Susan’s parents struggled with what happened. They went from being in a state of despair, to reaching out for answers to the why questions. For over a year, they didn’t know who murdered their baby. At times they wondered if they would ever know exactly what happened. Susan’s Mom embraced her faith, and became a regular at the neighborhood church th...

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... him to make him become bitter. He kept a heart of compassion and respect for the king, because he was God’s anointed. In addition to that, his dearest friend in the world, Jonathan, was also dead.
Anytime David grieved, he would pick up his pen and write. Some of the most beautiful Psalms were written by David at the lowest times of his life.
When you are hurting – when you are grieving – when life seems to be more than you can bear, you can turn to the Psalms. The Psalms of David express the heart wrenching grief experiences of one man. An interesting point of the Psalms is how many of them start out talking about pain and heartache so bad, he doesn’t know if he can survive it. At times he even asks, “Where is God?” Yet each of these Psalms ends with praise and thanksgiving to God for His faithfulness. These Psalms teach us how we can survive our grief.

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