Gregor Samsa In The Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka

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In “The Metamorphosis,” by Franz Kafka, Gregor Samsa, a traveling salesman, wakes up one day as an insect. His family doesn't react how a normal family would. They don't show deep concern, rather they react in absolute horror. His mother, who has severe asthma, faints. His father tries to swat him away with his cane, and his sister sobs in the next room out of fear. From then on, they locked him up in his room. Since they couldn’t even stand the sight of him, no one dared to even enter his room except his younger sister Grete, who brought him food, though when she came in, he hid under the couch. Gregor supported the entire family single-handedly since his father and mother had a lot of debts due to a business failure. Therefore, when he becomes unable to work, the …show more content…

Hearing this, Gregor realizes his place in the family, and goes back to his room and dies. The family can then move onto a happier life, and the parents recognize that Grete has turned into a beautiful young woman. When Grete stretches at the end of their train, it symbolizes the burden that Gregor's death has lifted off their shoulders. Initially, this story should supposedly focus on the metamorphosis of Gregor into a beetle, but the reader actually sees the metamorphosis of the entire family. In the beginning, the reader sees a family swamped in debt who relies on their only son to support them, but when he becomes unable to work, they must all individualize and take initiative. In the end, they have moved to a new house, have better jobs, and can lead an overall happier life. At first glance, one might not see as to why Gregor transformed into an insect. However, the bug exterior might represent any change within a person, such as depression, an injury, or even going off to college. Some scholars believe that Gregor might not have even changed into a bug at all. Working tirelessly and in bad conditions just made him feel like

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