Green Express Case Study Summary

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$6. In addition, paperless promotion can be used in promoting Green Express, such as coupon from an app or discount for dine in customer as they did not use any extra boxes or utensils. By using the marketing mix strategy Green Express can get into the drifters segmentation where customers is price sensitivity dictates their action and have a good intention, drifters follow trends when it is easy and affordable. Furthermore, if Green Express can keep its price competitive within the market after turn into the environmental friendly business, the sustainable purchase perception matrix will then move from a “Why Not Purchases”, which is low degree in both confidence and compromise to a Win-Win Purchases, which is low degree of compromise and high degree of confidence.
Solution of environmental issue: …show more content…

Hence, a couple of solution will be applied on the environmental practices. In order to reduce the use of biodegradable and compostable food service product, Green Express customers are more than welcome to use their own cup or container in store. Also to encourage customers use their own cup or container, Green Express will offer a $1 discount to those customers who bring their own. The other way around, customers who requires an extra container additional $1 will be charged for each box. The reason of charging an extra dollar is because every single cup or box will randomly come with a few easy growing vegetable or herd seeds and small pack of soil. The charge is part of the cost of those seed and soil. Green Express encourages customers to recycle the used cup or container to plant a mini plant at home or office or use them as compost for a new

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