Greek Sculptors Research Paper

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Greek art was a manifestation of a spectrum of ideas and exploration of religious and humanistic views. Ancient Greece has influenced the culture of many countries over the world, predominantly in sculpture and architecture. Greek sculpture began form about 800 to 300 BCE inspired from the Near Eastern and Egyptian civilizations. Greek sculptors explored the importance of naturalism and depicted such with emotion and movement. Greek artist captured the realism of the human form in a way that was not yet created, they focused more on precision, proportion and poise. The sculptures were meant to show perfection. The lifelike images are shown to depict the perfect human body. Primarily, in the eighth century BCE, the Greeks began to make sculptures made out of wood which were made for worshiping the gods and other religious figures but none however survived. In about 650 BCE, Greek sculptors as like architects began to expand upon the materials used for the foundation and structure of the sculptures. The transition from wood to stone and bronze allowed the artist to construct extraordinary works of art. Kore and Kouros are two of the earliest Greek statues. Kore is a small female figure made around 630 BCE in Crete. Kore is actually made out of limestone. Kore is the Greek …show more content…

in which artistic expression was seen through the sculptors more as an in portraying emotion not only making the figures life-like but depicting a story from all angles. Lysippos was a sculptor during the late classical period. He made the famous sculpture Apoxyomenos, in which a young male is scraping oil from his skin with a tool called a strigil. Lysippos created a natural and realistic portrayal of the male in bronze with a height of 6 feet 9 inches in height. The athletic male is standing in the chiastic pose while his arms are extending forward in the air, creating space within the composition which suggest freedom of

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