Great Rulers of 15th and 16th Century Dynasties

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During the Wars of Religion, from 1554 to 1648, the actions of Elizabeth I, Henry IV, Louis XIII, and Philip II all demonstrated their worthiness to be considered great rulers. Elizabeth I of England defeated the Spanish Armada, the strongest naval power the world had ever seen. Henry IV of France took many steps that eventually led to a religious agreement in France. Louis XIII of France left France as a major European power. Philip II of Spain made Spain very rich and powerful during the height of his reign.

Elizabeth Tudor I of England accomplished many things during her reign, proving her a great ruler. Elizabeth ruled as a woman in a male-dominant society. She was the first woman to rule England without a king for her entire reign. Adding to her challenges was the fact that she was a Protestant Queen in a Catholic country. One of Elizabeth’s main accomplishments was the Act of Uniformity that was passed in 1559. This required everyone in England to be a Protestant on the surface and to attend Anglican Church on Sunday. Catholics were still allowed to practice their own religion, but had to do so underground, so that England would appear to be religiously unified. Another achievement that made Elizabeth I a great ruler were the 39 Articles that were passed in 1563. This was a Protestant doctrine, but preserved many Catholic ceremonies, which led to a very moderate form of Protestantism. However, the accomplishment of the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, is probably the most important factor in making Elizabeth I a great ruler. The small English ships were much better suited when a storm came along, and the Spanish Navy easily fell to the English. The most powerful navy was destroyed, and it left England w...

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...hey had been the most advanced and the strongest beforehand. He regarded himself as the champion of the Catholic faith and he strongly supported the Inquisition. One of Philip IIs most important achievements was the Escorial, finished in 1584. The Escorial was built in honor of St. Lawrence, since he had won a battle against the French on his feast day. Although there were a few downfalls of Philip II’s reign, his various accomplishments make him a great ruler.

The accomplishments of Elizabeth I, Henry IV, Louis XIII and Philip II all demonstrated their merit to being considered great rulers. They did this through rising to the challenges that were presented to them and leaving their kingdoms better off than before. Although they ruled during the period of the Wars of Religion, their achievements made them stand out and earn the title of being a great ruler.

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