Great Religions Of Islam: Seventh-Century Saudi Arabia

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The beginning of Islam goes back to the seventh-century Saudi Arabia. Hence, Islam is the most youthful of the great religions of the world. The Prophet Muhammad (around 570-632 AD) presented Islam in 610 AD, in the wake of experiencing what he called an angelic visit. Muhammad managed the Koran, the sacrosanct book of Islam, which Muslims consider to be the ideal and prior expressions and words of Allah.
The origin started with the prophet Muhammad, but for the devout Muslim, Islam began a long time before Muhammad walked on this earth.
The Quran was witted by Muhammad, but according to the Qur'an, it didn’t originate with Muhammad. The Quran testifies that it was given by God to the prophet Muhammad, through the angel Gabriel. …show more content…

There is nothing like Him, he is the creator of all that exists and there is nothing besides Him. The Quranic doctrine teaches us to admire and love everything that Allah has created and from it we should enjoy it with moderation and gratitude.

According to the Quran, everything that happens is written from before the Creation, although each man is responsible for the acts he …show more content…

These rules were held to be traditional, or because their continued practice on the part of the community made them the norm, and in some cases, they became as valid for Muslims as the five pillars.
Some of them refer to what can eat and what is forbidden. His calendar is also particular.
Muslims use a calendar based on the rhythms of the moon, with twelve months of twenty-nine or thirty days, so each year has 354 days. In the western world a solar calendar of 365 days is used, reason why there are eleven days of difference between both.

The Muslim months never coincide with those of the common calendar, because each year, the first is eleven days ahead of the second.

°The Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar, where the years are composed of 12 lunar months and form cycles of 30 years, during which the years 2-5-7-10-13-16-18-21-24-26 and 29 are leap.
The years have 354 days and leap year 355, adding the additional day to the last month of the year. Each month have a duration of 30 and 29 days alternately.
During the year, there are certain dates that the Muslim should

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