The Mayan Calendar

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The key aspect discussed in this essay is focused on how to have different peoples created calendars to reflect time within their cultures. Over the years calendars have helped us keep track of things in the past and in current time. This includes important days like for example; based on the time we are aware when World War one occurred in the United States and when women gained the right to vote in 1920. Calendars have helped us keep track of time but the question is, are the calendars today accurate? Does it have to do with culture? Religion? Or the origin you come from? The information present below will justify for Ancient Calendars, How 1582 Lost Ten Days and at last, and for the Oldest Known Mayan Calendar Debunks December 2012 Myth. Ancient civilisation had concluded that ancient calendars determined time by relying on the earth's motions to determine seasons months and year. This included celestial bodies, which are the sun, stars, moon and planet motion. “ We know little about the details of timekeeping in prehistoric era, but wherever we turn up …show more content…

In contrast, the Mayans of Central America relied not only on the sun and moon, but also the planet Venus, to establish 260 day and 365 day calendars. This culture and its related predecessors spread across Central America between 2600 BC and AD 1500, reaching their apex between AD 250 and 900”(Source 1). Because of their culture and their different beliefs conflict between what was right occurred for many years these ancient calendars existed throughout many years. Their calendars later became positions of the great Aztec calendar stones. The Mayans believed that the earth was the center of all things, fixed and immovable. The stars, moons, sun, and planets were gods; their movements were seen as them going between the earth, the underworld, and other celestial

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