Grasse Case Study

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Grasse has been undergone significant changes over time in terms of the competitive environment, technology, and firm strategies on account of globalization of economic activities played important role in evolution of Grasse in 20th century. The innovation and research and development , enhancement in perfume making process created an advantage in order to compete with international competition . Within globalized industry context, Grasse sustains its position by providing 50% of domestic revenues gaining 70% of that from export activities. Industry in Grasse is evolving with related industrial product production namely chemistry ingredients, food flavors. Brands and manufacturers are able to reach customers by not only in their specialized stores but also in retail shops by enlarging distribution network and front line of Grasse cluster in France or other countries.
Methods in manufacturing perfume has been altered through synthetic usage starting from 1920 by Channel and it is exploded around 1940 but some manufacturers maintain natural ingredients dependency based on competitive advantage deriving from being natural and marketing stake in high quality. The objective of Grasse clusters is to ensure quality of perfume by focusing innovation, mastery and means of overcoming allergies, irritation and sensitization to better anticipate adverse reactions for clients. Beside of synthetic smell usage in perfumes, some natural ingredients has been imported from abroad , India, Egypt or South America in which production costs are approximately 10 times lower. The import activities has not led to loosing center position because the consistency in tacit knowledge, quality in perfume is to make difference in Grasse while competing other ...

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...usters , economic activity and development create magnetic effect on different kind of SME, research institutions or financial partners. Technology advancement and development facilitates globalization challenge for localized region and ability to answer demand of customers by new perfume combination of natural as well as organic ingredients, nowadays organic raw materials with apprenticeship of perfume formulation originated from the historical roots in 17th century.
In perfume and fragrance industry, emotional benefits is dominated in the market. Therefore, raw material quality, technological spill over, new perfume experiences, brand equity of producers in France located in Grasse will led to value added into position of cluster and sustain competitiveness of cluster over the world by attracting foreign direct investment or exporting perfumes to the world.

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