Graduation Speech: What Impact Has This School Year Had On You

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Abigayle Gonzales May 21, 2018 Mrs. Walker 8th Period What Impact Has This School Year Had On You? Throughout my junior year of high school, I’ve become more enlightened and learned to only strive and succeed in all of my classes. This year I’ve taken 5 classes, including: Chemistry, Algebra II, Advanced Culinary, US History, and 11th Grade English. This year has taught me on how to focus on my more important goals rather than my outside activities. High school is one of the most memorable experiences you are likely to go through. Focusing on my main goal, school, taught me how easy it is to strive and succeed no matter what class it is or how hard it is; as long as you are determined and committed the only thing stopping you is yourself. …show more content…

Junior year has enlightened me by teaching me a lot of lessons in order for me to understand how important this year is. One of the lessons I learned was to never procrastinate on any assignment handed out; no matter if it’s big or small. Procrastination is one of the most stressful pointless things you can do with your grade. Waiting until the last minute to do an assignment basically means you have to rush through it and can’t take the time you need to get the optimum grade. This year I procrastinated on two assignments and learned how badly it can affect your grade in the long run. Its never worth it to wait until the last minute because there will more than likely be a moment where you can spend time on an assignment and do as well of a job as you can do. Another lesson I learned from this school year was how to only focus on your most important life decision, school. Piling more and more things to focus on will only stress you out and make you not nearly as successful as it would be if you were to only focus on one thing at a time. Separating all your time between several things means that you only have less time to strive in school. Worrying about what you are going to do after school or on the weekends is just a place on doing well in

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