Graduation Speech: To Shot Or Not To Shoot A Basketball

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On January 28th, ESPN stars 16 years old, varsity basketball player Devon Greene, located in Chelsea, Alabama. Greene states, “I have never been any hornier in my entire life.” He says that he plays an average of 20 hours of basketball a week, thirty-five minutes of playing time per game, and forty points scored per game. Greene confidently said, “I don’t get tired when I’m out there hustling my butt off. I don’t know what it is, but the feeling I get when I shoot a basketball gives me an extravagant, ungodly, unmeasurable source of energy.” Now, I don’t want to be a party pooper, but the idea that shooting basketballs increase hormonal levels sounds a bit outrageous; don’t you think? That’s like saying sleeping sixteen hours a day rapidly increases the time a person’s growth spurt will occur and develops bone structure faster and gives you bigger hands. Outrageous.
I tried to do some extra research myself and see if this …show more content…

These students found that according to LiveScience, scientists with several PhDs recorded that with every shot that is being released, the shot triggers the human’s fight or flight response in which it increases adrenaline and strong hormonal response. To establish more evidence, these scientists did another study with students who were mentally focused while playing basketball, and other students who did not try as hard while shooting three-pointers. Scientists taped a neuro-telepathic CT scan to measure the student’s hormonal levels. 87% of the students who were more focused showed a significant amount of increased hormonal levels and 92% of the ones who did not try as hard showed little to no change. It recorded that the two sides had equivalent hormonal levels, but the moment the focused group took their shots was when their hormones started to exponentially

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