Graduation Speech: The Important Things in Life

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Well, I am supposed to give a speech, so sit back and enjoy the ride, hopefully it will not be too bumpy. I am sure all of us are really excited by now. You're probably thinking, "Yeah, we are finally out of here. We've survived all four years. It's time to party and move on in life." Yet, we are losing a great deal. We'll lose a lot of great teachers, we are giving up this small caring community, and in return we are moving to larger schools -- where we will be known by number rather than name. And we are splitting up. We are all going our own ways, and many of us will never see each other again. Yeah, we are losing a great deal, but we can't say we haven't gained anything because it just isn't true. We've gained knowledge, experience, responsibility, maturity, integrity and a diploma. These are all very important, but we have gained something much more important than all of these. We have gained a class ... friendship ... a sense of community. Throughout these last four years we have grown so tightly together that we have become one single identity -- the graduating class ...

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