Graduation Speech For My Non-Profit Women's Organization

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If this statement of purpose was a speech for my non-profit women’s organization, I would start with some self-deprecating, humble-brag explanation of my circuitous thirty year journey through college and how it lead to my pursuit of a doctorate in Communication. I would pepper in awkward anecdotes highlighting differences between my young classmates and me. There would be laughs and knowing nods. It would also be an oversimplification of a complicated and difficult journey culminating in this first step toward achieving my biggest dream. When pressed to describe my family life growing up, I would shamelessly quote Allison from The Breakfast Club “My home life is unsatisfying.” By the time I reached ninth grade, I had attended three elementary schools and three middle schools. Growing up with a mentally ill mother meant chaos …show more content…

The Justus (Samuel) Charitable Trust was looking for candidates for their program geared toward disadvantaged teenagers. Serendipitously, I found myself simultaneously enrolled in high school and college at the tender age of fifteen. College was a glorious escape from a troubled home life and was the kind of challenge I desperately craved. A year later, I successfully petitioned to skip my senior year of high school to attend college full time. As much as I loved learning, this decision had more to do with survival than academics. My home life had been steadily unraveling for years and I realized it would be better for me to dictate my own exit terms. Had I been older, it may have indeed been my savior. However, a troubled sixteen year old living on her own is ill-prepared for the social and academic pressures of attending college full time and living on campus. It would take two decades of therapy, a child, a successful career, and co-founding a women’s non-profit organization before I would finish that elusive bachelor’s

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