Low Income Student Success Essay

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Title: Clearing the Path for Low-Income Students to Achieve College Success
In 2004, I embarked on a journey to graduate from college. My family and teachers encouraged me to aim high, to test my abilities, and to reach for the proverbial stars. In their eyes, I could accomplish anything despite the reality that a low-income child in our country has an 8% chance of finishing a college degree.
By 2011, I had obtained three credentials: a Bachelor’s degree from American University, a Masters from Columbia University’s Teachers College, and a second Masters from the University of Cambridge. I largely attribute my college successes to the ongoing reminders from family, teachers, mentors, and college advisors to ‘think big’ – and, perhaps equally important, I benefited greatly from the financial assistance provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Coca-Cola Foundation.
Drawing on personal and professional experiences, I am now committed to helping many more low-income students earn postsecondary credentials—especially given that a college education is needed more today than at any time in our nation’s history. …show more content…

Yet, students from low-income communities are not getting the full range of support needed to enroll, persist, and graduate from college. As a result, low-income children have an 8% chance of finishing a college degree by their mid-20s –compared to 77% of individuals from high-income families. This college aspiration-attainment gap has little to do with low-income students not aspiring for college. In fact, a 2011 study by the College Board found that low-income students have similar or higher college-going aspirations than their more affluent peers. This gap is more a result of systemic and persistent roadblocks many low-income students face on the path to and through

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