Gout As A Form Of Arthritis

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Gout is a form of arthritis. It is actually considered the most painful forms of arthritis. It occurs when too much uric acid builds up in the body, also known as a high concentration of uric acid. When your body has too much uric acid this can throw off your homeostasis affecting your toes, wrist, elbows and other parts of your body that may be affected by gout. Uric acid is hydrogen with the formula C5H4N403. It forms ions and salts known as urates and acid urates such as ammonium acid urate. Uric acid is a product of the metabolic breakdown of purine and nucleotides. The metabolic breakdown disorder called hyperuicemia, which leads to the deposition of monosodium means too much uric acid in blood. Gout is also associated with an increased risk of kidney stones.
For many people the first attack of gout occurs in the big toe. The toe will be very sore, appear red, and swollen. Gout can also affect ankles, heels, knees, wrist, fingers, and elbows as well. This form of arthritis is mostly common in men and was said to be a “King’s disease,” which means only people of certain wealth was affected by the disease because they could afford foods such as steak and seafood. The risks factors for gout include being overweight or obese, having hypertension, alcohol intake (beer and spirits more than wine), diuretic use and a diet rich in meat and seafood.
It is diagnosed by aspirating and microscopic analysis for urate crystals in joint fluid or a tophus, which is a deposit of urates in tissues (as cartilage) that is a characteristic of gout. Urate crystals are negatively birefringent under polarized light. Infection must be ruled out. I personally have observed the doctor I work with perform the aspirating of a patient’s knee to have th...

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...ric acid the gout attacks can be prevented. Uloric may be a better choice for select patients over allopurinol because Uloric is metabolized by the liver in addition to being excreted by the kidney. This allows safe use of Uloric in patients with reduced renal function. Allopurinol is exclusively excreted in the urine and used in patients with moderate to severe renal dysfunction needs especial caution. Uloric with its dual metabolism can be used in patients with more significant renal disease. Data presented by the manufacturer states that 70% of patients taking Uloric 80 mg daily will achieve uric acid levels <6mg/dl vs. only 40% of patients taking allopurinol 300 mg daily.
Although there have not been reported known deaths due to gout attacks, this disease is very painful if you experience an attack, but you may find comfort in knowing it is not life threatening.

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