Psoriatic Arthritis

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Should You Consume Fish Oil For Psoriatic Arthritis?
Arthritis is a disease that causes pain and inflammation in the joints. It occurs due to the immune system having negative reactions to the joints. The immune system perceives the joints as bacteria and therefore attacks it causing inflammation. The most common types of arthritis are rheumatoid, psoriatic, and osteoarthritis. Psoriatic arthritis is common among the psoriasis victims. Often, a person first suffers from psoriasis and then later accompanied by psoriatic arthritis. Psoriasis is a health condition that is characterized by red patches with silvery scales on the surface of the skin. There have been claims that fish oil can remedy this kind of arthritis. Below are the justifications; …show more content…

As mentioned earlier, immune system attack on the joints is one of the major psoriatic arthritis causes. It causes overproduction of the skin cells resulting to reddening and inflammation at both the joints and the skin. There is no clear reason why the immune system would turn against the joints. However, research on the disease shows that it is genetic since it has been found to affect those people who have a family history of the condition. Some other causes may be environmental factors such as viral or bacterial infection and trauma.
Omega-3 fatty acids have greater benefits in protecting the body against damage by diseases. According to a study written in article in the PMC site that was done on 30 patients, who were a sample of the research on the efficacy of omega-3 fatty acids, a conclusion was made that; omega-3 fatty acids can be effective in treating psoriasis. It also reduces Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) and Nail Psoriasis Severity Index (NAPSI). Below are the benefits of omega-3 to psoriatic arthritis;
1. Reduces …show more content…

Omega-3 fatty acids are very effective in enhancing the flexibility of the joints and reducing fatigue.
Some other types of arthritis that can be remedied by omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil are rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and ankylosing spondytlitis. In addition, it can also prevent heart diseases, diabetes and treat depression. They are also highly concentrated on the brain purposely to improve the cognitive function. Most babies who never got enough omega-3 while in their mother’s wombs are characterized by poor eyesight and nerve problems.
As mentioned before, psoriatic arthritis has no cure. The only way to overcome it is by working against its effects on the body. Reducing inflammation, stiffness, and pain are the main ways of fighting with the disease. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oils and any other food substances can perform the function effectively. It is unfortunate that there are no clear causes of the immunity turning against the joints. This makes it difficult to establish better ways of preventing the occurrence of the disease. Therefore, when you are infected with the disease, try reducing the damage using fish oils.
Keyword: psoriatic arthritis

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