God: Myth

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“If God is all-powerful, and he can do anything, can he create a rock so heavy that even he can’t lift?” This is the question that planted the seed of doubt in my mind which eventually sprouted into my full resentment of religion. The existence of God is something that has been debated since the beginning of humanity and will most likely follow until the end. Along with its controversy, the question has brought discrimination, wars, and even genocide throughout our history with it. God is a myth because evolution disproves his existence and there is no scientific proof to back it up. To start, to believe in the traditional Christian God is to disbelieve in evolution. Hence the “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27). Christians, along with many other similar religions, would have it that humans just appeared at the hand of God exactly how we are now. Perfect and with only one purpose: to praise God. However, there is irrefutable proof of evolution, and none to support the existence of a mystical being, such as God. Darwin’s theory of evolution holds a much more logical explanation for how humans came to be. Everything evolved from one, simple ancestor. By natural selection, also known as “survival of the fittest”, this original species eventually, over billions of years, evolved into everything we see now. Even humans, as complex and significant as we are, started from something else. Every species changes over time to better suit its environment and help it produce more offspring. If a species doesn’t have a certain trait that it needs to survive, it will either die out or evolve.
Many people maintain the argument that human beings are so complex and elegant that the only explanation is that a “God” designed them. As one Christian thinker puts it, “Design demands a designer” (Ames).

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