Process Essay: Difference Between Raising Horses And Goats

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Living in the country, I decided to start a small farm raising horses and goats. After my first year, it was clear to me that there is a difference between raising horses and goats and it has been my experience that goats are easier to raise and maintain.

By owning horses, their sizes range from one thousand to twelve hundred pounds. As a colt they are born weighing at least one hundred pounds. Within three months a colt can weigh two to three hundred pounds. Transporting these horses require a large and sturdy trailer.

The goats I have raised have ranged in size from twenty to two hundred and fifty pounds. At birth, they can weigh as little as five pounds. Goats do not increase in size quickly therefore even after four to …show more content…

This tends to be an all day process. When there is grass available, horses will eat the grass all the way down to the dirt. Therefore, they must be rotated from one field to another in order to allow the grass to grow. The grain they eat consist basically of corn and pellets with molasses. It is recommended that they eat up to one pound per horse per day. When feeding, horses tend to bite one another in order to show who is dominant.

A goat diet is of great variety. They will eat leaves, twigs, vines and shrubs. They love poison ivy and pine trees. You also have to rotate goats eating areas. Goats do eat grass but they do not eat it down to the dirt, as this is not their favorite meal. Goats love grain as well. They tend to eat more corn than the pellets or molasses. They can eat up to one per five goats each day. Goats tend to show aggression in the form of ramming in order to show their dominance.

Horses require room to exercise. They have a mane and long tail which needs to be brushed daily. Their hoofs are rounded and require cleaning and filing on a regular basis in order to assure good health. In order to keep the horse from having an aggression towards its owner, you have to spend a great deal of time with them in order to build a positive

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