Gke1 Task 1

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There are major diseases that affect men and women all over the world today. The country, that I will be talking about is affected daily by many different deadly diseases such as, lower respiratory infections, HIV/AIDS, measles, whooping cough, malaria, pneumonia and many more. The residents of Africa are suffering from preventable, treatable, and fatal diseases everyday at a higher rate compared to other developed countries. The World Organization (WHO) projects that over the next ten years the continent will experience the largest increase in death rates from cardiovascular disease, cancer, respiratory disease, and diabetes. The one major disease that I will be discussing is pneumonia. In January of 2016 United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and global partners decided to launch a campaign to increase the funding of interventions for pneumonia, and also make changes to policies that would strengthen the treatment for this deadly disease. This disease has definitely created a burden on the population of Africa, affecting more than 490,000 children that were under the age of five. As you can see pneumonia plays a huge role on this population burden, and also explains why the under-five mortality rate in so high in Africa. …show more content…

Pneumonia is usually caused by infectious agents such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi. These can all be prevented by different immunizations.
These poor children that are being affected by this diseases, are not getting to experience life at its fullest, which is super sad. With a little help from us here in the United States, we can help Africa lower the death rate of children affected by this scary disease. Here we do have the resources that will help children be protected, and I strongly believe we should do anything and everything we can to help

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