Giving Up My Seat Research Paper

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Giving up my seat I believe in giving up my seat for elderly people. My grandmother taught me that. I was 8 years old when I was on the train to Chicago when she first told me. I was very disrespectful and I refused to get up from my seat. Dati, my grandmother, told me one more time “get up from your set now, you're able to walk normally, you're not in pain like they are right now.” So after I got told off I finally got up and told the old lady that she could have my seat. That was the first thing that I've ever done to make an older person happy. The senior said “Thank you, theirs not that many humans who would give up there seat thank you.” They could be having a bad day; also just knowing that by one little gesture we could make their day. …show more content…

You see an older person standing but there is no room for them to sit. So you just get up and let them sit down. But it’s not that easy as you see; even though we have that mindset to give them our seat we don’t. People think just about themselves and not about other human beings. It’s the easiest thing in the world to do, but the hardest to execute. Since that day, and up until now, I have made the right choices when I give up my seats. Just by doing that Dati taught me not everyone has the abilities that you do. The fact that I would get up and and talk to a random person is the hardest thing to do. But doing it only takes 1 second of your life. This is one of the rewarding things about my experience “Always giving your seat up” means doing something you don't really want to do, because you want to be able to sit down. Or your legs hurt and you don't want to stand up. I always have to remind myself it’s not just about me. It is also about other people in the world. I feel when I do this nice gesture it shows me who I really am and that I should do more small things. A couple of steps could change a person's whole world. When you get off the bus, after giving up your seat, you know that you did something for once in your

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