Girls Not Brides

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According to Girls Not Brides, “Every two seconds, a girl under the age of 18 is given into marriage: that makes 41,000 girls a day or 15 million girls a year. Unless we do something to reduce those numbers, an extra 1.2 billion girls will be married by 2050.” (2017). Also, 90% of adolescent pregnancies in developing countries are among married girls under the age of 18 and they are five times more likely to die in childbirth than women in their twenties (Girls not Bride, 2017). At this rate, female child marriages under the age of 18 are going to be an everyday norm and the life and future of the younger female child are at stake. Young women in Ghana should not be given into marriage at an early age because it leads to early pregnancy, domestic …show more content…

Though child marriage is one of the ways to escape poverty, it can lead to domestic violence. When younger women under the ages of 18 are made to get married to older people all in the name of trying to escape poverty, the older man takes advantage of that situation and may even treat you as a prisoner. This is because, based on your situation, he ‘bought’ you from your family and that he has all the right to do whatever he ought to. I believe that the domestic violence that these younger women face is worse that the poverty she used to struggle with all the time. For this reason in mind, I see no tangible reason why parents should allow their girls into these marriages when their current situation is better than what they seek …show more content…

“Women are at the heart of most societies. Regardless of whether they are working or not, mothers are very influential people in children’s lives. Educating girls is one of the most important investments that any country can make in its own future.” (Britain, 2005, p.2). Just as Britain said, the younger women that eventually become mothers in the future have a great effect on the world. It is believed that women are very influential in almost every aspect. According to the bible, Also, Almighty Samson was brought down by a woman called Delilah. Furthermore, Abigail saved his husband Nabel from death in the time of King David. From these facts, if females are banned from being involved in child marriages and allowed to further their education, Africa and the globe is going to be developing at a very fast rate. But this is the case where these young women under the ages of 18 are sent or even forced into marriages due to the factors above and they cannot further their education. What is the essence of having to become mature without being a literate? Way back in the past when the white men came to our land, even our fore fathers though were mature, sold very precious minerals that is worth billions for just a mirror or maybe gun powder. These same scenarios are going to recur in the lives of

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