Child Brides

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Child marriage is the formal marriage or union entered into by individuals under the age of 18. While it is a reality for both boys and girls, it affects girls more widely and can lead to a lifetime of deprivation and disadvantage (UNICEF). UNICEF also reports that worldwide, more than 250 million women alive today were married before the age of 15. Because many of these girls come from already impoverished backgrounds, they are even likelier to drop out of school and experience domestic violence at the hands of their husband and/or in-laws. Photographer Stephanie Sinclair and Rena Silverman for National Geographic (2013) reported that teenage brides were much more likely to die in childbirth and complications form pregnancy than women in …show more content…

Nour, who reported his article on behalf of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), describes that child brides are more likely to be infected with HIV and HPV than unmarried girls. This is because the risk of acquiring HIV from a single act of unprotected vaginal intercourse is 2-3 times greater than for women than men, especially in the Sub-Saharan region of Africa. Since married girls are under more pressure to prove their fertility since their husbands paid a large dowry for them, these girls would have more unprotected sex. Studies have also found that in some African regions, the husbands are considerably older (10-15 years average) than their bride, and would have had a few sexual partners by the time they were married, furthering the risk of infection. Another high risk involved for young girls is becoming pregnant after marriage. Since many child brides are trying to prove their fertility, they may become pregnant soon after. In malaria regions of Africa, pregnant girls were found to be infected at higher rates. Pregnancy increases the risk of acquiring malaria, and pregnant girls under the age of 19 had a higher malaria density than girls above the age of 19. The rate of malaria and HV co-infection are also deadly to a young pregnant girl. Malaria can increase the HIV viral load and increases the risk that the mother will …show more content…

An interesting point she brings up is “abuse by isolation”, which may deprave children of certain necessities like proper education, health care and life skills, while keeping their innocence. This is something that child brides in developing countries also suffer from if they have a much older husband and don’t have access to necessities. By isolating children from society, the community which is already affected by these practices shield children from the much needed help to get out of these

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