Girl Scout Volunteering Essay

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Girl Scout leader volunteering is becoming a lost trade. The numbers of volunteers have declined, at least in our area, over the past few years. More women are moving into the working crowd and just do not have the time anymore to become the desperately needed leaders. The girls who want to be involved in scouting are the ones truly losing out on great experiences and confidence building. While you are a leader of a Girl Scout troop, you get to help encourage the girls to try new things and possibly conquer their fear of being in the spotlight. You are helping these girls build the confidence they need to possibly go and rule the world. While leading our girls, you notice that you gain more confidence in yourself and overcome things you might never have taken the chance to do.

Why volunteering with Girl Scouts is beneficial to everyone involved

Begin with an introduction with a thesis. First notice that the Title is listed twice, once in all caps in the header, and in upper and lower case to begin the actual essay, and after ‘Running head’ on the cover page.

When Juliette Gordon Low Founded Girl Scouts in 1912, she …show more content…

Each level of Girl Scout has several badges they can earn and they have what are called Journeys, which lead them more into the community service stuff. One of the badges that a girl can earn in each level of scouting is the first aid badge. For a Daisy, this could be just a simple as making a backpack sized first aid kit, or having a tour around a firs house or hospital. Once you get to be an ambassador, this badge would require many more things like learning how to handle emergency, research medical careers, and learn wilderness first aid. Basically, they are earning these skills little by little but at the age appropriate times. The steps that they take help them remember how to do each skill. Being a leader or involved with these, you can make a difference in these girls lives by teaching them great

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