Gestapo Thesis

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Have you wondered what is the Gestapo? What did they do? Most people confuse the Gestapo with the SS. When Hitler came into power he appointed Herrman Goring the Minister of the Interior of Prussia, a major German state ,which gave him control of the police. The story that started all with one man, Herrman Goring. Goring at first started limiting the local police’s power. They couldn't interfere with Nazis, the locals had no justice. Herrman was using his position to the fullest. He next then used the police department to take 50,000 storm troopers and unreliable cops. He gave them the full power of arrest. Then the Nazis arrested many people, which then lead to death camps. Goring completed the uniformed division, he looked to the …show more content…

He is also an ambitious Nazi like Goring. Himmler and his second in command create an extremely efficient intelligent network. The system kept tabs on you even how high you were in the Nazis. Himmler also fired Diesl, Goring’s number two man because he was too soft on the job. Himmler is also the SS department chief so he had double duties. Himmler gave the Gestapo full powers of arrest and they would not need to go to court. Really the Gestapo did not have many agents, there was about 40,000 plains clothe men. They were spread very thin. The fear of the Gestapo was that you would never know who was an informant for the Gestapo. It could be the old man sitting on the corner of the street, the school teacher, or even someone in the local police. If you told an anti-Nazi joke you might get a knock on the door in the middle of the night. Many people had to be very careful. Gestapo torture techniques were gruesome. They had repeated near drownings in a icy water tub,electric shocks with wires attached to the hands, feet, and ears, having your hands tied behind your back and hanged by the hands to cause shoulder dislocation, whippings, and flesh burning. The prison center in Berlin became infamous because pedestrian strolling along side the building could hear screaming. The Gestapo followed Hitler to his conquests of other nations and spread fear into those

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