George Twelve Hewes Character Traits

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George Twelve Hewes was born in the year 1742 in Boston. All his names were named after his family members; George after his father; Robert after his uncle and Twelves after his maternal grandmother whose maiden name was Twelves. Even with the names he got after his relatives which made his name so long, Hewes was more like a neglected child from his parents, he received very little from them. Hewes was very short standing at five feet height; not wealth for his father who was a failed tanner – made his death when Hewes was only seven. Not even love did Hewes received from them, for the only thing he spoke about his mother was the spanking he received for being disobedient. Her mother thought her to be shoemaker at a tender age of fourteen – one of the lowest trades of that era. Hewes's personality was shaped by the harsh conditions she was subjected to as he grew up. When he was a grown-up, Hewes became the person at the forefront of fighting against inhumaneness, even the tar, and feathering of a loyalist who was nearly …show more content…

It was so sad for him since the four men who were shot in that night by the British military men were not only his Bostonians but Sergeant Caldwell who one of the four was standing just at his side when he was met with the bullet, and it was Hewes who got hold of him as he fell. Being angered by the nightmare, Hewes equipped himself with a cane, but his mission was not to be since he was immediately threatened by Sergeant Chambers who was a member of the 29th British Regiment along with other eight military men who were armed with cutlasses and massive clubs. Sergeant Chambers took away the cane from him, but as Hewes explained in a legal statement, "I told him I had as good a right to carry a cane as they had to carry clubs" – a statement that went on to explain the brutality of the military men who brutalized and killed

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