George Orwell's Animal Farm Summary

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George orwell is a writer who was born in Bengal India in 1903. Actually, George orwell was a

pseudonym for Eric Blair which is his real name. Before Blair was a writer, he was a Police

Officer, and he loved to writhe Political stories of his own time. Having a passionate love hate

relationship with Totalitarianism, Blair served in the loyalist forces in the Spanish civil war. Blair

died at the age of 47 although his work still lives on. One of Blairs greatest works of art is Animal


One late night on Manor Farm Mr. Jones drunk as usual locked up the hens and went to

sleep. Old Major a pig gathers all the barn animals to tell them about an animal rebellion. three

days later Old Major died. About three months later in June the animals finally rebelled after

months of planing and a day of being united. the animals are under the leadership of pigs

Napoleon and Snowball. Each animal had orders, and with the help of the learn how to spell

books from Mr. Jones’s house most animals learned how to read and write. The pigs took some

paint and painted the sign that had previously read Manor Farm to read Animal Farm. Napoleon

found some puppies and took care of them, while snowball would tend to some business.

The pigs made the seven commandments of Animalism. “1. Whatever goes upon two legs

is an enemy. 2 Whatever goes upon four legs, or wings, is a friend. 3. No animal shall wear

clothes. 4. No animal shall sleep in a bed. 5. No animal shall drink alcohol. 6. No animal shall kill

any other animal. 7. All animals are equal.”(Orwell,33) The local farmers did not want their

animals to find out about the takeover at Animal Farm so a group of men attacked the animals

which was known as the battle of cowshed. Snowball had an idea to build a windmill to give the

animals electricity. Napoleon did not think that was a good idea. One day the animals were having

a meeting and some dogs came in and attacked snowball who ran away and nobody saw him their

again. Then Napoleon was the leader and he built the wind mill, then a storm knocked the wind

mill down. The animals just built in bigger and thicker. Napoleon had a meeting with the animals

to talk about the traitor snowball and some animals confessed to plot with snowball, they were

killed by the dogs. The pigs start sleeping in the beds in the house.

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