Genius Files Chapter Summary

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Genius Files License to Thrill “The wackiest road trip in history has reached it’s final destination,” the twins Coke and Pepsi McDonald have not been having the road trip that their parents had planned. They are being chased by Dr. Herman Warsaw (who started the Genius Files Program, a program that takes the smartest kids from all around America to solve problems that adults only would have one solution to) and his group of hired henchman. The twins will be trapped with a venomous snake in Death Valley, pushed through a deadly turbine at the Hoover Dam and thrown into a volcano in Las Vegas. All this while someone is sending them ciphers to lead to their final destination, the Golden Gate Bridge. Will the twins be able to survive? …show more content…

Dr Herman Warsaw marries Mrs. McDonald’s sister Judy. The twins parents thought he was such a good guy because of all the lies that Aunt Judy had said about him. But as we learn, he’s actually a murdering psychopath. The twins parents finally found out at the end of the book all the bad things that he has done to the twins throughout the entire book series. Showing that he’s not the man they thought he was the parents finally see the true colors of Dr. Warsaw and realize that the twins had been telling them the truth about him the entire time. We also see that if you put your mind to it, you can do anything! Throughout the book series that the twins work together when placed in multiple dangerous situations to accomplish a single goal, SURVIVAL!. While fighting Dr. Warsaw on the the Golden Gate Bridge Coke uses his karate technique called the “inflictor” to kick Dr. Warsaw off the bridge while Pepsi uses a frisbee to knock the briefcase containing a nuclear bomb out of his hands. Together they save the thousands of people on the Golden Gate Bridge along with themselves from a nuclear …show more content…

Warsaw shows his internal conflict with the guilt that he feels after surviving a terrorist attack at the Pentagon on 9/11. He had tried to quit smoking on several occasions but on that day he just needed a cigarette, so he stepped outside to smoke when they plane hit his office. The shock of this event and the guilt he felt for surviving drove him to create the Genius Files Program but also drove him spiraling down a pit of madness. He believes that the Genius Files program was mistake and that he needs to kill them all and start over. He is willing to kill thousands of people just to kill the twins. He believes that they took the one thing that brought him joy in the world, his wife Aunt Judy. During the road trip we also see the internal conflict that Mr. McDonald faces when his car breaks down and he just totally loses it right there on the side of the road. Mr. McDonald is trying to fix the car but nothing he is doing is working. He starts yelling even screaming to the point his wife is trying to calm him down. He can’t figure out what is wrong with the car, he is frustrated at his wife, the trip is not going well. He finally decides that he just has to get over this, that his feelings of frustration is just going to make everyone

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