Genetic Engineering Argumentative Essay

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Anyone who has had a loved one who has passed away, or who has been affected by some type of illness knows the feeling of wanting a world without that. With each passing day scientists are getting closer and closer to that dream, through the miracle of genetic engineering. Genetic engineering is a method of changing DNA in order to improve/change one of its qualities. Genetic engineering is a process that needs to continue to be developed on, because it will save lives and lead to a better future. Genetic engineering will save many lives once it is a common practice. Genetic engineering is planning to be used to save endangered species, and they have a myriad of ways to do this. One example of this is a strange one. “Planned Extinction”. …show more content…

Gene editing is going to open up so many new medical opportunities, in both a surgical way and in the drug way alike. For example, in Rana Preetika article, it is stated“Doctors haven't been allowed to use it in human trials in America. That isn't the case for Dr. Wu and others in China....In traditional drug development, too” (Preetika 1). As you’ve seen, gene editing can do alot of different things, and now we know that the scientists in China are already using this procedure to perform surgeries, and even to make new drugs to combat diseases. This new treatment will be the solution to every medical problem. Furthermore, We can use genetic engineering to improve the quality of our crops. In Ian Murnaghan’s article, “ Using DNA to Improve Food Quality,” he addresses how genetic engineering can be used to make our food safer and cleaner. Its written, “... increase the shelf life of foods and reduce or remove worms and viruses from our food. There is even potential to remove unwanted traits such as caffeine. Instead of coffee beans requiring processing to make them decaffeinated, they could be grown caffeine-free. It is hoped that research continues but that caution is used before foods are approved for consumption. This way, we can obtain the benefits of GM technology without compromising safety and health” (Murnaghan 2). With the help of genetic engineering, we can make food better naturally, we won’t need to do expensive …show more content…

Its written, “These diseases, after all, exist for a reason and have persisted throughout history for a reason. Whilst we should be fighting against them, we do need at least a few illnesses, otherwise we would soon become overpopulated. In fact, living longer is already causing social problems in the world today, so to artificially extend everybody’s time on Earth might cause even more problems further down the line, problems that we cannot possibly predict” (Rinkesh 2). This is a disgusting argument. People would choose not to develop this procedure, because it would do its job too well. They think that it would be better to let diseases kill people off than to try to prevent these diseases. Another reason that genetic engineering would be a good idea, is because we can tell how it will affect the environment. On the website, “GMO Answers”, Professor Bruce M. Chassy tells us about how a scientist can predict the environmental impact, “Field tests are always performed with and without the normally used pesticides and herbicides, since that’s just good experimental design. Scientists and regulators have concluded that this provides a clear enough view of how a crop will impact the environment. As an additional safeguard, a plan for postmarket agro-ecological monitoring is also put

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