Generosity Vs. Obligation Essay: Money Makes The World Go Round

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Generosity vs Obligation
“Money makes the world go round.” We all heard of this quote, because it’s true. With money almost anything can be achieved. From bail to bribery to even hiring assassins. But what can, or should, this money be used for? Are more developed nations obligated to provide development assistance to other nations? My answer is that I “somewhat disagree”. I have a few simple reasons as to why. However, it is much easier if I use an example instead. Imagine that instead of a nation, it is a wealthy person. Sure, it’s nice for him to donate money, but he is not obligated, and he should not be required to. Why would I, or anyone, give away their hard earned money to a place they never visited, or to people they’ve never talked or even seen? I believe that most people …show more content…

Of course, if the roles were reversed of the 2 nations, the previously rich nations would complain and immediately demand money. But using the past as an excuse, and saying it is our fault that they are in a dilemma, hundreds of years after ruling, after all those rulers are long dead, seems unfair. If we use the person example again, this would the the equivalent of saying “Your ancestor 400 years ago stole from my ancestor, it’s your fault I need money!”. One has to understand that there isn’t an equal opportunity, for job, finances, for a future, but if, after hundreds of years after being ruled, they are still in poverty, that nation has to take a part of the blame. It could be because of a corrupt government, lack of education, etc, but that is what needs to be fixed. Take Brazil for example. They are known as a developing country, yet they spent $12 billion on their Olympic stadium, which was used ONCE, then, after 5 months of no maintenance, is crumbling, and frankly, looks disgusting. Just search up before and after photos, seriously. Portugal controlled Brazil 300 years ago. Is is Portugal’s fault that Brazil decided to do

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