Gender Socialization Essay

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Coming from living in a poor inner city neighborhood in Chicago as a child was distinctive from other places, in terms of gender socialization. There wasn’t nothing major for me to be socialized with my gender that I do plus, I grew up interacting with most of my cousins who are female, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not a male that I am today. When I came to Iowa from Chicago, it increased my awareness on racism and when I’m somewhere with no or less Black people, I tend to use stereotypes black people are victimized towards, to increase my self-esteem. When I was little, my family and I used in to live in poor inner city housing projects in Chicago called Cabrini-Green. In an inner-city urban neighborhood like Cabrini-Green, we had different rules of gender socialization. From my perspective, my parents …show more content…

It made me realized that Chicago, Iowa and other places perceive racism in a variety of ways. I started to change the way that I see racism when I started attending here at the University of Iowa last year in my my freshmen year by, learning ways how the school especially black students here address issues on race at from courses, clubs, activities, and other things all over the campus. Thus, that motivated me to advocate the end of racism. In Chicago, people normally don’t talk about racism seriously as Iowa unless, there’s a situation of a cop shooting an unarmed Black man or something like that. According to “White Privilege: Unpacking the invisible Knapsack” by Peggy McIntosh, one of her privileges as a white female is that she is less likely aware how not only racism is dealt with at different settings but, less likely to understand racism (McIntosh, pg.5). Places have different perceptions of racism, thus it shapes the way one perceives it and take action towards

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