The Socialization Theory Of Gender Role Theory

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Gender role theory asserts that men and women act in accordance with their chosen or given social roles, sex-specific social roles, including specific family gender roles (Simone) and according to Ruth .A, socialization process for teaching gender roles begin immediately after birth, infants girls are held more gently and treated tenderly than infant boys (2015). “Teaching of gender roles do not only happen through verbal teaching from the society, it can also occur through watching around” (Ruth A). while gender roles have become a norm to all of us and an expectation from the society, the subject has become impossible to argue that gender roles are biologically determined, the subject is also filled with controversies about whose roles are which and what determines them. There are people who believe that man role are to protect and provide because he is masculine and strong and a woman should stay at home and take of the kids and her husband. Gender roles are associated with gender stereotypes and discrimination, men and women are grouped into what they can do and what they cannot do based on their biological identity. The same people may also feel like there are jobs that best suit a …show more content…

Both might have an ego if asked by their partner to do something either because of personal problem or pride. “Women are natural nurturers and men are natural leaders “(Simon), in the bible God have instructed the man to be a protector and provider to his family, hence he is the leader of his family if he failed to do that he would be disobeying which would cause chaos in the society. Due to people neglecting their families divorce rates would increase than it is today, everyone doing what they want when they want leads to conflict which can cause divorce. There would be so much chaos in the

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