Gender Norms In Daisies And Superstar By Vera Chytilova

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In Daisies and Superstar, each of the directors use their films to explore different sides to women, including political and life views, and the struggle that many women feel when it comes to their self-image. It uses different visuals styles as well as plots to critique standard gender norms and to get a new message across. In Daisies, director Vera Chytilova attempts to give her film a more political view by using humor and comedy to portray her government and society. The film focuses on two women experiencing various aspects of the world and learning to choose what they want in life. These women are trying to go against their rules of society in order to embrace life and understand why things are the way they are.
In Superstar, director Todd Haynes uses his understanding of the female perspective to create a semi-biographical movie about singer Karen Carpenter. It uses Barbie dolls as the characters to tell the story about her life, battle with anorexia, and struggles that the family faced daily. The film explores the idea of “who has control of a woman’s body?” As a pop star did her body actually belong to herself? Or did it belong to her manager or record label? The stress of her “perfect and ideal life” caused her to become anorexic in order to sustain her perfect body. By becoming anorexic, Karen …show more content…

In Daisies, you have two young women who have decided that since everything else in the world is going bad, then they should as well. They go around doing whatever they want and enjoying every moment while indulging in food, clothes, and more. Superstar shows a woman struggling with her self-confidence and the powerlessness she is feeling about her own body. By using Barbie dolls to portray the characters over real actors, the film shows how Karen Carpenter felt that she was a disposable “plaything” unable to choose anything for herself when it came to her domineering

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