Gender Neutral Society

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Gender Neutral Society New style manuals imposed on students today in English classes across

the globe tell them to avoid generic "he" and rewrite their sentences

in other ways. A great lesson and a leap forward in removing the very

roots of our self-made patriachical society. The English language is

changing whether we like it or not, and generic 'he-him-his' may not

even exist in 5 or 10 more years. But what of that one book that has

stayed relatively the same for generations? The one that is the basis

of our legal system, our moral and ethical values and beliefs? Yes,

the all important Bible. The Bible is no longer the untouchable aspect

of our society. That's right, ladies and gentleman, publish this very

month was the New Revised Standard Version of the book of

Christianity. A New Revised Standard GENDER NEAUTRAL Version.

The publicity brochure of the New Revised Standard Version sounds so

sensible. At last, misleading, masculine-oriented language has been

removed from the Bible. Jesus no longer says, "and I, when I am lifted

up from the earth, will draw all men to myself" (rsv), but instead,

"And I...will draw all people to myself"

Of course, every great masterpiece has its critics, and this

particular masterpiece has an evangelical convent full of them.

Sometimes the retranslation result is a little strange... The NIV's

Mark 1:17 is the famous, "'Come, follow me,' Jesus said, 'and I will

make you fishers of men.'" The TNIV makes the apostles seem a little

like slave traders: "'Come, follow me,' Jesus said, 'and I

will send you out to catch people.'"

But, sometimes, we must sacrifice a little...

... middle of paper ...

...ons must be literal and that there

is no convincing rationale in any context for other kinds of

translations. But, as the critics deny this logical conclusion in

other contexts demonstrates that it really is not translation theory

or a concern for the accuracy of God's word that most fundamentally

motivates them, rather it is one particular conviction about what

Scripture teaches on gender roles and the corollaries which they

believe (erroneously) necessarily follow from that conviction.

"Ladies and gentlemen, now that we've taken care of the bible, its

time to look at the bigger picture. Lord of the Rings? Its time all

popular culture got a gender neutral makeover...we've burnt our bras

long enough! The world is ready...Its ready for a Lord OR LADY of the

Rings, for a Monarch of the Damned, for a Person of the Flies."

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