Gender Inequality: The Iciological Implications Of Health And Health

718 Words2 Pages

When one thinks of health, we think of our physical well-being, we think of the medicines we have to take to ensure our recovery in cases of illness, we think white-washed halls, doctors, nurses, candy stripers in their hospital clothes, we think vegetables and fruit juice, and the rest of that wellness-junk that the television infomercials make us buy, we think of sickness, we think of death, we think of life. We do not, or rarely, think of the underlying sociological implications of health and illness, through which we unknowingly dictate our actions, and through which our health manoeuvres through. Beyond the biological and natural conditions, through which our health is dictated, are the sociological factors affecting our wellbeing. It has been shown that the spread of diseases is heavily influenced by culture and tradition, and clearly, our socioeconomic statuses. Health therefore is much more than just an amalgamation of biological factors, but it extends to more socially-constructed sectors of our beings. And all these factors tend to procure inequalities. Unbeknownst to some of us, gender inequality is present in health. Often, we see cases of gender inequality, particularly ones favouring men over women, in terms of basic salary and job opportunities, or the objectification of women, with groups of feminists clamouring for ample compensation. However, the rally against oppression in health isn’t very evident. But this isn’t just a female problem, and men don’t get off the inequality gig easily. Both genders are susceptible to cases of discrimination in health, and different cases may cause detriment to one and empowerment to the other, or vice versa. And that’s plenty unhealthy. Cases of inequality against women in heal... ... middle of paper ... ...lications of patriarchy and gender inequity in health. Due to male-centric perception, women in some societies lack the necessary socioeconomic resources they need to keep themselves free of any illness. The gender inequity stemming from patriarchy therefore extends towards the economic, political, and social factors that affect health. For example, healthcare is more reasonably affordable for men. Likewise, patriarchy creates an expected response from men. Society therefore places a big bet on the “superiority” of men. Since they are “stronger”, they should do all the “tough” jobs. As stated before, these expectations become blocks in an achievable equality in between men and women in health. However, this is not to say that women should start taking jobs generally done by men just to fend off the biases and inequality. What society should build towards to is not

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