Gender In Shakespeare's Twelfth Night

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Twelfth Night takes a creative stab at judging a book by its cover. The topic of gender is one of the most discussed/enacted in the play, in which a female character who goes by the name of Viola disguises herself as a man. She doesn't really gauge how long she will have to take on this persona (of Cesario), and this results in a few major misunderstandings. Viola actually falls in love herself with Orsino (who fancies Olivia). The only thing is that she can't tell him that she loves him only because Orsino thinks she's a man. Meanwhile, Olivia falls in love with Viola (while under the guise as Cesario). Orsino talks about how beautiful Viola... I man Cesario looks, which actually makes it seem as though he is more attracted to Viola's male

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