Gender Equality In The Marine Corps

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Yet, despite these alienating factors, women continue to serve in an organization that has made it clear that Uncle Sam doesn’t really want them. While some individuals are content to sit back and complain about how life situations are unfair, the strong understand that protesting produces fewer changes than the power of action. The road to equality is not one taken in a single, enormous bound; rather, it is a plethora of smaller steps, to include ones that are seemingly inconsequential, and even some backwards steps that eventually result in complete equality and fairness. This process requires individuals who are wholeheartedly dedicated to the furtherance of their cause, even if does not fully reach the desired pinnacle during their lifetime. …show more content…

In the struggle for gender equality in the Marine Corps, there are notable firsts: Opha May Johnson was the first female to join the Marines in 1918. In 1943, the rate of progress accelerated, and the Marine Corps saw the first director of Women Marine Reservists, first non-commissioned officer, and first detachment of women Marines to leave the continental US for duty. As the country confronted its undeniable history of racial inequality, the Marine Corps officially swore in the first black female Marines in 1949. It was not until 1953 that a female line officer, Colonel Katherine Towle, made the Marine Corps a career and was eligible to retire. In 1960, Geraldine Morgan was the first female Marine promoted to the highest enlisted rank - Master Gunnery Sergeant. In 1967, Master Sergeant Barbara Dublinsky was the first woman to serve in Vietnam in a combat zone. Despite all these changes, female Marines were not trained by female drill instructors until 1992, a record broken by Gunnery Sergeant Melody Naatz. 1997 saw the integration of combat training, and a female Marine was the honor graduate. These firsts were not all celebrated though - Marine Sergeant Jeannette Winters was the first servicewoman to die in the newly declared war on terrorism in

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