Gender Bias In The 2016 Election

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This study will enhance the knowledge on was gender bias the primary factor that led to the 2016 election. This study will do that by building on the existing research that has been done on this issue. Also, it will further the knowledge on previous studies that has been done. Although there have not been many studies conducted on the 2016 presidential election, there have been studies that have focused on gender bias in other elections that will determine if gender bias was a primary factor in the 2016 presidential election. In the existing literature, it has been shown that there are different views on gender bias in elections. The literature has shown that men’s and women’s political beliefs, values, or issue position differs, leading to different electoral choice (Sapiro and Conover, 1997, Page 498). This causes women to be underrepresented in political offices. As of 2015, only about 20% of the House and Senate are women (Kropf and Grassett, 2017, Page 83). Also, most of it is caused by voters looking at their gender and believing that a woman will not be able to uphold the standards in political office. In one study it states that gender bias in political leadership can be traced back to …show more content…

Women who are running for a political position are set to a higher standard than men are. Women must strike a balance between campaigning on issues in line with public expectations and appearing tough on issues that are considered male areas of expertise (Turcotte and Paul, 2015, Page 773). It is known that people feel that women are not qualified for leadership positions. According to Marian Sawer, in general, qualities associated with leadership such as strength, authority and decisiveness are regarded as male traits, while double standards are often applied to women displaying such traits (Sawer, 2012, Page

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