Gender And Social Connections Essay

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Gender is a property in not only human life, but all living life on our planet since the beginning of time. Whether it is to determine animal characteristics, to plant development, to the drive of society, gender is the foundation of all live. Today, I will be talking about what gender is and how humans have identified with gender, social connections and gender, and how men and women differ along gender lines.
First, we must understand the meaning of “Gender”. Understanding gender will be broken down into three different views: sex, gender, and gender identity. Every person has a certain sex, a gender, and a gender to identify with. All three of these aspects are linked to sexuality. Sex is biological, which includes our genetic make-up, hormones, …show more content…

Aggression is defined as: intentions to hurt or harm others. Aggression is a key term in social connections since it is first found in the early stages of childhood. In childhood groups, young boys have demonstrated in childhood studies within the past decade to express higher levels pf aggression than girls. Yet, girls have expressed a unique way of aggression that may have been overlooked in these studies. According to the scholarly article, “Relational Aggression, Gender and Social-Psychological Adjustment”, written by Nicki R. Crick and Jennifer K. Grotpeter, both women quote “We propose that, when attempting to inflict harms on peers (I.e., aggression children do so in ways that best thwart or damage the goals that are valued by their respective gender peer groups.” (1995). In layman terms, boys will tend to use physical and verbal aggression in relation of physical dominance. For girls, they focus on relational issues when interacting, such as establishing close, intimate …show more content…

Similarly, both genders are creative, intelligent, feel emotions, and have the sense to be accepted. Both genders have the basic needs to survive, avoid predators, and depend on one another to reproduce. Yet, with similarities will come differences. Research on the average woman has proven that she is to enter puberty 2 years’ prior than man and has a five year longer lasting life span. A woman will carry seventy percent more fat, forty percent less muscle, is averagely five inches shorter than the average male, is allowed to express emotions more freely in society, is able to detect more faint odors, will receive more help from complete strangers, at twice the risk for developing depression and at ten times more likely to develop a food disorder. The average male, during childhood, is more likely to be diagnosed with autism, develop colorblindness, develop attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (A.D.H.D.), appeal to be more aggressive, involved more with physical violence, four times more likely to die by suicide, and as an adult, the average male is at a higher risk for antisocial personality disorder. According to the textbook, “Psychology In Everyday Life: Third Edition,” composed by two main authors, David G. Myers and C. Nathan Dewall, they quote “Each gender has its shares of risks” (Myers and Dewall, 2014, p. 107). Both men and women will deal with their sex-related

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