Gandalf Vs Humbledore Research Paper

589 Words2 Pages

Gandalf vs. Dumbledore Imagine, if you will, being able to cast any spell with a simple flick of the wrist and some words. Think about the abilities you would possess. In times of desperation you could save yourself or the ones you love. You could do things to make your life easier, including cleaning your house! This concept is why I hold my opinion over the following topic. When I compare Gandalf (from The Lord of the Rings) to Dumbledore (from Harry Potter), more often than not, I believe that Dumbledore is far superior to Gandalf in his abilities. When you compare aspects of each such as abilities, causes, mortality, and how they got to where they are, it is evident that Dumbledore is superior to that of Gandalf. First, I will talk about

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