Designer Babies: Blessing or Ethical Conundrum?

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Wouldn't it be amazing if you could choose what you wanted for you babies? Just like designing your avatar character in a video game Designer Babies are a way for people to choose what they want that suit them. It can gives parents the option of modifying their unborn children, in order to spare offspring from disease or, conceivably, make them tall, well-muscled, intelligent or otherwise blessed with desirable traits.
Designer babies open up possibility on creating a better world for tomorrow but also unwanted consequences and it is important to be knowledgeable about the future that we might be part of it. The creation of designer babies is often questioned due to the moral and ethical dilemmas surrounding, while some argue that the possibility …show more content…

A gap in society could be created where it could create classes that distinguish designer babies from those that are not. According to Richard Hayes Executive director of the Center for Genetics and Society, he stated that “given to what we know about human nature, the development and commercial marketing of human genetic modification would likely spark a techno-eugenic rat-race. Even parents opposed to manipulating their children's genes would feel compelled to participate in this race, lest their offspring be left behind”. This technology may be used for superficial purposes such as purposely selecting eye or hair colour. There were past attempt that have similar attempt to create perfect human that is Lebensborn program. A program that were under SS-initiated, state-supported, registered association in Nazi Germany during the Hitler leadership with the goal of raising the birth rate of "Aryan" children by extramarital relations of persons classified as "racially pure and healthy" based on Nazi racial hygiene and health ideology. It is unknown how genetically modifying babies will affect the gene pool. Most people will choose to have good-looking, intelligent babies which could lead to a lack of genetic diversity. Marsha Saxton states that “Contributions of human beings cannot be judged by how we fit into the mold of normalcy, productivity, or cost-benefit. People who are different from us (whether in colour, ability, age or ethnic origin) have much to share about what it means to be

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