Coccyx Essay

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Functions of the Skeletal System and the Coccyx The system of the body that consists of bones, connective tissues, and cartilage is known as the skeletal system. Some major functions of this system are as follows: 1. The bony structure provides essential support for other tissues and organs. 2. The remarkable strength of the bones in this system provides protection for the vulnerable organs in the body. 3. The skeletal system assists the muscular system to provide movement for the body. Certain muscles that are attached to bones contract and pull on the bones resulting in movement. 4. Blood cells are produced in the red marrow of certain bones. 5. Bones of the skeletal system serve as storage compartments for vital minerals like phosphorus …show more content…

A middle section known as the anococcygeal raphe maintains the position of the anus. The muscles that attach to the posterior side of the coccyx include the gluteus maximus (largest gluteal muscles), which extends the thigh during walking. The sacrococcygeal ligaments (anterior and posterior) attach the sacrum to the coccyx. Lateral sacrococcygeal ligaments as well as the sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligament fibers attach to the lateral transverse processes of the coccyx. The base of the coccyx joints the sacral apex at the sacrococcygeal junction. The sacrococcygeal joint and the intracoccygeal joints have fibrocartilaginous discs. The anococcygeal nerve ascends from the coccygeal plexus penetrating the sacrotuberous ligament to supply sensory nerve stimulation to the skin in the area of the coccyx and the sacrococcygeal joint. Coccydynia …show more content…

Coccydynia was a common diagnosis for many types of lower back pain in the early 1900s. Remarkably, at that time, radical coccyectomy was the procedure of choice for lower back pain. Later, another extreme theory arose suggesting the condition was a symptom of neurosis because it affected women more than men. The consensus was that if a coccyectomy was not successful in alleviating pain, the condition was considered psychosomatic. For this reason, coccyectomies were no longer generally performed. Research on coccydynia has been limited since that point in

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